Having Great Leadership

Running a club takes vision and drive…Having great leadership is critical to the success and future sustainability of the club.

Group of club committee members

Running a club takes vision and drive and having the right people in decision-making positions is fundamental to the future success of your club.

Great leaders will have the good of the whole club in mind, they will:

Actively balance and manage the short-term priorities with longer-term objectives

  • Create a vision, values, safe environment and culture that is embedded throughout the club, and everyone buys into
  • Commit to providing a safe, inclusive environment for young people
  • Be accountable for the governance of the club, for example, finances, policies, structures, development plans
  • Manage and respond to the ambitions and concerns of different parties involved in the club
  • Positively listen and engage with club and it’s members
  • Help facilitate the recruitment of the right people into the right roles on the committee
  • Ensure the day-to-day running of the club is smooth

Get Season Ready

Click on the links below to explore the resources and support available to help you get your club ready for the new season:

Ongoing Club Development

Read on, challenge yourself by answering our handy questions, and then access a range of resources to help strengthen the leadership at your club.