Being Local with Strong Community Connections

Ensuring your club is well known, relevant and visible with genuine local connections in your community will help with it thrive


Feedback from our research strongly shows that members want their club to be an integral part of the local community. For many, membership of their hockey club was a key way to connect with their local community and feel part of the place in which they live.

The more relevant and visible your club is in the community the more likely it is to thrive. Some of the benefits of connecting with your local community include:

 Helping increase participation by attracting new players through tailored activities such as club-school links or links with other local community activities or groups.

  • Using your club, it’s facilities and people to make a positive impact on your local community and the people in it through projects, activities, and charitable work.
  • Supporting bigger strategic connections across the local area. Having an influence with key political figures in your community may help influence local decision making.
  • Providing opportunities for financial sustainability by attracting sponsors and support from local companies.
  • Helping recruit and attract new volunteers and supporters to your club.

Get Season Ready

Click on the links below to explore the resources and support available to help you get your club ready for the new season:

Ongoing Club Development

There are lots of fantastic opportunities to engage with your community. Read on, challenge yourself by answering our handy questions, and then access a range of resources to help your club develop more community connections.