Feedback from our research strongly shows that members want their club to be an integral part of the local community. For many, membership of their hockey club was a key way to connect with their local community and feel part of the place in which they live.
The more relevant and visible your club is in the community the more likely it is to thrive. Some of the benefits of connecting with your local community include:
Helping increase participation by attracting new players through tailored activities such as club-school links or links with other local community activities or groups.
- Using your club, it’s facilities and people to make a positive impact on your local community and the people in it through projects, activities, and charitable work.
- Supporting bigger strategic connections across the local area. Having an influence with key political figures in your community may help influence local decision making.
- Providing opportunities for financial sustainability by attracting sponsors and support from local companies.
- Helping recruit and attract new volunteers and supporters to your club.
Get Season Ready
Click on the links below to explore the resources and support available to help you get your club ready for the new season:
Use this handy list of questions alongside our resources to help you prepare for the new season:
- Have you identified potential partnership opportunities with local schools, clubs, or organisations?
- Does the club have a clear community engagement strategy?
- Is the club visible and active within the local community?
- Has the club considered participating in local community events or initiatives?
Click on the links below to access our toolkit of resources and support to help your club #GetSeasonReady.
Please click on the links below to access hockey specific support from England Hockey:
- England Hockey Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Framework page
- Commonwealth Games Legacy Project pages
- England Hockey Fundraising page
- England Hockey Marketing Portal
Sport England’s Buddle has a range of specific help and support for to make your club more friendly and welcoming:
#GetSeasonReady fosters a community of learning and shared experiences. Click on the links below for the current opportunities available:
Sport England’s Buddle is a fantastic free resource, that provides access to a host of workshops, webinars and supporting information to help the running and development of your club.
The Engaging Your Community workshop by Buddle is available to support the Being Local with Strong Community Connections strand. Head to the Buddle Engaging Your Community workshop webpage to find out more information and book your place.
Ongoing Club Development
There are lots of fantastic opportunities to engage with your community. Read on, challenge yourself by answering our handy questions, and then access a range of resources to help your club develop more community connections.
- Does the local community know the hockey club exists?
- How does your club currently engage with the local community? Where are the gaps?
- Is the club visible within your community, not just for hockey but other community activities like a community fete, charity events, litter pick or beach clean?
- Does the club link with and support other community groups? How well do you know other local youth services such as brownies, scouts, youth centres, after school clubs? If you have a club house, can your club host these and build relationships?
- Does the club reflect the diversity of your local community, how can you address this if it is not the case?
- Does your club have effective links with local schools, colleges and universities?
- Does your approach differ depending on who you talk to? Do you ask your members to approach others?
- Is the club regularly in the local media, both online and in print?
- Are you politically aware who the important people are in your community and what they could do for your club – university vice- chancellors, headmaster, governors, local MPs, town councillors, directors of sport, chief leisure officer, school sport managers etc…?
- Are you engaging with your local Active Partnership and aware of the assistance they can provide?
- Are you connected with organisations that offer school holiday activities or camps? Can you connect with those and offer hockey as an option?
- How do you approach sponsorship within your club? Do you have a strategy or agreed approach? What does the sponsor get in return?
- Do you consider what opportunities are available to engage with the local community and local businesses?
An opportunity to meet your Club Development Manager and other clubs in your area and discuss common issues, development opportunities and share ideas and best practice. Dates can be found on our monthly calendar and invites will be sent directly from England Hockey Clubs team.