Lead Positive Change

Create and champion positive change within the community


What we want to achieve together

To create and champion positive change within the community by broadening and widening the engagement of the sport and making it more ethnically and culturally diverse.

To expand access and opportunities in state schools, particularly those within ethnically and culturally diverse communities.

What does success look like for the game by 2028?

  • Double the number of state schools offering hockey by 2028
  • Increase the number of ethnically and culturally diverse players and coaches so that our sport moves towards reflecting the population in line with the National Census
  • Support 20 clubs through our targeted ED&I funded initiatives to create and report positive change towards reflecting their communities
  • Ensuring all clubs, counties and regions meet the Equality Diversity & Inclusion Framework requirements

How are England Hockey going to lead and support this?

We will achieve the targets in our Equality Diversity & Inclusion Framework It is important that we are open and honest about our progress. Therefore we will provide annual updates to you on how we are progressing against our targets via local and national channels.

We will encourage and lobby for more state school involvement in hockey We will increase the number of state schools that play hockey and the number of state educated young people in our talent system (in line with our talent strategy).

We will proactively encourage the involvement of ethnic and culturally diverse communities in the sport.

We are going to increase the number of ethnically and culturally diverse coaches (at every level) and players in the sport and will report back on our progress annually.

Greater representation means role models for a more diverse segment of society, driving participation into new communities.

Organisations with diverse participants are proven to lead high performance and excel in innovation.

Ultimately this will lead to our national teams being a better reflection of the diversity in society and the communities from which they come.

England Hockey’s board, management team and organisation will reflect the diversity in our society

Of course we need to role model the change we are asking of others. We are increasing diversity across the whole of the England Hockey organisation, starting with the board and management team.