Masters Championships

England Hockey Championships programme for clubs’ masters teams

Female Masters Players Celebrating Goals

The beauty of hockey is that anyone can play and our Masters Championships provide a great platform for senior players to come together in their age groups and renew old friendships and rivalries.

There are some exciting changes to the Masters Championships in 2024. These are being introduced in line with insight gained from the results from a survey for entrants into the Championships.

The changes are as follows.

The Championships ages groups are revised to Over 35s, Over 45s, Over 55s and Over 65. This means the Women’s and Men’s competitions  align and reflects that Masters hockey starts at the Over 35 age group now; the Over 40s and 50s age groups were set when we started the competitions almost 30 seasons ago.

The Over 65s competition will be for County teams or, where approved by the Area Masters Committee, teams made up of two or more Counties. Players must represent the County that their Saturday adult league club play in.   Counties will be able to field more than one team.
This reflects that few clubs could field an Over 65s team made up of players from their adult Saturday league teams but ensures that there is a structure for selection. It also reflects that there is increasing Masters’ county activity.   

There was strong support for limiting “guest” players in club competitions, ie those who do not play for that club on a Saturday. In 2024-25 regulations will be revised so that:

Teams will be limited to two England Masters teams players (who have played for England in the current or previous season)  if they do not also represent that club in Saturday adult league hockey. 

Players may not play for a different club to their Saturday adult league club in any Championship at the same age group that club has entered.

The final change is the introduction of a Tier 3, Shield competition in any of the Championships with 32 or more entrants.

All teams will enter at Tier 1. The Tier 2 Championships will be a Plate competition for teams that lose in the first two rounds of Tier 1. Teams who lose in Round 1 in the Tier 2 Plate will be entered into the Tier 3 Shield.  This increases playing opportunities, means more teams will play others of a similar standard  and most teams will have a minimum of three games.  

Overall these changes will mean more players will be able to enjoy the Masters championships fairer competition and increased opportunities for more matches.   The survey results on which these changes were made is in the USEFUL DOCUMENTS section on the RH side of the page  

Player Eligibility 

  • Players must have reached the relevant age in the years of the competition. For example in the Women’s Over 35s Championships players must reach 35 on or before 31 December 2025.

Entry into the Masters Championships for 2024-25 is now open, via this link

For queries, contact the England Hockey Competitions Department;