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Webinar: Free funding for your club – book your place

easyfundraising is a simple way to generate additional income for your club and particularly useful in the coming months when lots of players, parents and supporters will be shopping online anyway.
Whether you have already introduced easyfundraising to your club or you are looking for new ways to diversify your income, this session will give you all the information you need to ensure you don’t miss out on free funds this year.
It’s estimated we will spend £6B as a nation on the Black Friday sales alone, so join us up to get your clubs share.
Date: Thursday 18 November
Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Register here for your place: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xDb6jvXnSOyzGpYbjkJdNQ
Can’t wait?
You don't need to wait for this event to begin raising funds with easyfundraising. You can sign up right away! Find out more here