- Community
Malcolm Arnold Academy launch exciting new Hockey Development Programme

Schools and clubs across the country are helping bring hockey into the community with Surbiton Hockey Club offering free hockey and now the Malcolm Arnold Academy in Northampton are launching an exciting brand new Hockey Development Programme in September for young players to maximise their potential within Hockey, whilst studying towards GCSE or A-Level qualifications.
A first for Hockey in the state school sector, the programme will provide over 5 additional hours of hockey specific training throughout the school week, while players can continue to train and compete for their clubs outside of school too.
The programme will be open to all year groups and across all genders. There will be regular matches scheduled throughout each term.

In order to share further details and answer any questions, Malcolm Arnold Academy are holding two information evenings on Friday 9 and Friday 23 April at 7pm online via Microsoft Teams.
You can click here to register and be sent the link.
The session is open for anyone to attend, whether they already attend the school or may be interested in joining in order to access this exciting opportunity.
For more information, you can view the full brochure or contact Shane Ward on Sward@dret.co.uk