Having Appropriate and Sustainable Facilities

A fundamental requirement for hockey is access to long term, appropriate, and sustainable facilities.


Securing hockey pitches is obviously key to the future of the sport and working to secure stronger more collaborative approaches with providers is an absolute requirement in coming years. 

With the majority of clubs across the country hiring facilities from schools, colleges, universities or leisure centres, there is often a great difference between facility standards and the arrangements and partnerships clubs have in place with their facility providers.

This is a gap for most clubs with arrangements often short term, both in nature and outlook. Communication is mainly through the bookings person, with limited commitment from the owner to the hockey club for the long run. Many clubs do not realise or utilise the long-term financial investment they have made and use this to negotiate better deals or secure long-term access. Therefore, developing strong relationships politically (if you use a local authority, school or university facility) is critical. 

Working out your annual bill and how much your club have invested since the pitch was last resurfaced is a useful exercise when negotiating with a provider. This also applies to asset-owning clubs who wish to demonstrate their credibility to access local funding opportunities. 

For those asset owning clubs, we need to ensure their facilities are sustainable for the long run with maximum use, robust maintenance and long-term financial planning. England Hockey tirelessly works behind the scenes aiming to support the long-term provision of facilities. It is key that clubs work together with us to ensure future provision for hockey.

To help you make the most of your facilities, England Hockey can support on all aspects of managing and improving your facilities. These range from design and construction guidance for clubhouse and changing rooms through to pitch maintenance.  You can visit our dedicated Facilities webpages or contact the facilities team at England Hockey – facilities@englandhockey.co.uk 

Get Season Ready

Click on the links below to explore the resources and support available to help you get your club ready for the new season:

Ongoing Club Development

Read on, challenge yourself by answering our handy questions, and then access a range of resources to support you club with facility sustainability.