Ways to Play That Meet Player Needs

Participation habits and behaviours are changing. Learn how to understand and respond to your member’s needs, and attract new ones.


Many players do not want to play every week but are happy to play at any time of the year. They want opportunities that provide good experiences but are also local enough to allow room for other interests and commitments.

Clubs are currently doing a great job at welcoming and retaining more junior players in the game:

  • Hockey Heroes is attracting 5 to 8 years in a fun and engaging way
  • A wider range of structured junior competitions allows young players to access appropriate competitive hockey
  • A marked increase in junior club sessions across the week
  • Understanding and responding to the needs of young players as they reach their teenage years
  • Supporting and improving transition into adult teams via development teams
  • Providing new, social, lower commitment, ways to play with friends.

For adults, Saturday league hockey is healthy, but it is not the only thing clubs should offer. Separate ways to play such as Masters, Back to Hockey, Walking Hockey, intra-club games nights, Pay & Play and Flyerz Hockey all aim to supply opportunities for groups that want or need a different experience from club hockey.

Summer hockey is growing significantly, providing a way for clubs to engage players who may not want to commit to winter league hockey through informal leagues, Pay & Play and festivals.

Get Season Ready

Click on the links below to explore the resources and support available to help you get your club ready for the new season:

Ongoing Club Development

Read on, challenge yourself by answering our handy questions, and then access a range of resources to help you help attract and retain members by offering and embedding new ways to play in your club.